Earn 100$ Per Day From Google News | Make Money From Google.
Earning from Google News is an another online earning plateform where you can get 1000$ per day. It is an easy way to earn. You can earn easily to do just copy paste work . There is no need of experience. Open your Google and search googlenews.com or Click Here to open.
How to work On Google News.
Here you can see there are lots of news related to world, local news, buissness, science, health, entertainment, technology, sports and many other. You just have to do is open any artical and copy this text. now open the website Spin Bot.Com.
How SpinBot.Com Workes.
SpinBot is a text spinner website. it changes your copy text and convrt it into new wording text. You have to do is just copy your text and paste into spin bot and press spin button. It takes a couple of minutes and that's it. It change your text completely and give you new wording text.
You can see here i am just copying my text from Google News and paste it on spinbot. It can change my text into new wording. You can also make some changes if you required. Now you have to do is to copy your spin text and paste it on Ms Word and make complete article according to this process . When you complete your article there are diffrent website to buy your article. They will pay you 1$ per word. If your article have 1000 words then they will pay you 1000$. It totaly depends on how much words you can use in your article.
Wbsites who Buy Your Article.
- Sierra club.org
- Money Pantry
- Eating well
- iWork Well
These are the website and many others who buy your article and pay you well. You need to just open this website and read their information and guiedline and rewrite the article according to this guiedlines. If the website is related to technology you have to rewrite article accroding to technology, if the website is related to buissness you have to rewrite the article about buissness, if the website is related to food you have to rewrite the article about food, nutritients,diet etc....
The big quetion is how to sell them articles?
Go there website and scroll down where you can se Contact Us button. click on contact us button where they give you complete details. They mention their Email address. Copy their email addres link now go your gmail account paste their email address in To and write your article name and send your articles.
Payout Methods
You can collect your money on Paypal, your bank account or binance. When you send your article to those website afer that they can check and accept your article they will ask you which withdrawl method or account you want to select to be paid.
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